Monday, October 10, 2016

Writing Weekly #2

No, I didn't post up something because my brother was getting married and I was in the wedding! Every day I had to make runs and buy a shit ton of things, so there was no time to spare. Last week, I got a lot of writing done with the Forgotten World and my New Adult science fiction novel, but let me tell ya, transitioning from fantasy to sci-fi is difficult. There's a lot of self-doubt that happens and I still haven't found a writing buddy! I did go to a book fair and listened to a couple of sci-fi panels hoping that I would absorb something. I got really great advice, but the advice was conflicting. Some authors told me to wing it yet some told me to use research. One author even told me not to base my book on research because it will most likely be proven wrong. Science is an ever changing platform which means it's, unfortunately, not consistent. I'm planning to do a little bit of both: winging it and research. My sci-fi series will have a novella which will explain the events that took place before the series and it involves genes. Spoiler alert: I'm not a scientist. I know little to nothing about genes, so research will be needed. The Forgotten World will be released next year for free on e-book format!

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