Thursday, September 15, 2016

Writing Week #1

As you guys have seen in these past couple of months, my writing habits have changed and I haven't really kept up with the blog. Basically, I was going through a re-evaluation phase of my writing and reading habits. I was starting to get bored of YA. To me, it felt like I was reading the same thing over and over again, so I started reading more adult sci-fi/fantasy novels. My switch over influenced my writing habits too in some ways. When I would write YA stories to get me back into the writing habit, I stopped short because in all honesty, I grew tired of it. I knew then it was time to take a step away from the genre all together for a little while. Besides my transition from YA to New Adult/Adult novels, I had to take a sit down and have a heart to heart with myself. It sort of went like this:

Me: Tiffani, I know you've been out the writing game for a while, but you had your fun. Time to focus down on two things.
Also me: 2 things?! An outrage! Blasphemy! *covers ears*
Me: Really, Tiffani? Are we going to do this?

The other me easily caved. I decided to work on two ongoing projects, the first is a YA fantasy and the other is a NA sci-fi. B-but Tiffani, you said you're taking a step away from YA! Yeah, I know, but I've been working on this for years now and it fits better as a YA. Plus, I'm like 40,000 words in. I'm too deep to turn back. The other NA sci-fi is a re-write as well. It started off as a YA but I kept re-writing it and the genre didn't fit. I couldn't find its' "voice" so I never got far. I decided to pick this project back up because the idea came from a class I took. I wanted to challenge readers. I wanted to call morals into question. What is right and what is wrong? Who is the villain and who is the hero? I'm not going to say anything else because I don't want to spoil it, but I do have to say, it's a lot more difficult writing sci-fi than fantasy. Honestly, I think I'm just used to writing fantasy and I'm over-thinking everything. I find myself outlining more for this project than the YA re-write. Usually, I just wing it then come back later to summarize the chapters so there's nothing conflicting. Now, it's almost like I need to know everything before everything happens. My YA novel is a re-write of my first published novel the Forgotten World. I'm planning to release it for free. I don't want to get too much into the reasons as to why I decided to re-do it but I will say this, it's darker. A lot darker and that's how I like it!

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